Emotional,  freedom

Emotional Freedom Quotes

In our busy lives, finding emotional freedom is refreshing. It means letting go of bad feelings, healing from past hurts, and living in the moment. Simple quotes can inspire us to break free from emotional struggles and find happiness. In this article, we’ve collected powerful quotes about emotional freedom. These wise words can help you find peace, motivation, and calm. Whether you’re having a tough time or just need a little encouragement, these quotes are here to uplift and guide you.

Emotional Freedom and Lester Levenson Quotes

1. There is more pain from holding on to the thought of pain than there is in the situation itself. If you let the world strike you, it will do so less cruelly than your own imagination.
– Lester Levenson

2. All unhappiness is caused by our trying to be limited, to be an ego. The more we are our Self, the happier we are. We will never be completely happy until we are completely being our self.
– Lester Levenson

3. We can have peace if we let go of wanting to change the past and wanting to control the future.
– Lester Levenson

4. Feeling sad about anything is holding onto it. Say, ‘This is something I have to let go of,’ and immediately you will feel better.
– Lester Levenson

5. Truth can be found by a process of eliminating wrong thoughts, which are thoughts of limitation. When all thoughts of limitation are eliminated, what remains is our natural, unlimited, self.
– Lester Levenson

6. You can have anything you want, providing you first let go of wanting it.
– Lester Levenson

7. The way to infinite joy is through the elimination of desire, – no attachments, no aversions.
– Lester Levenson

8. The more miserable you get, the less you should look for an escape (socializing, entertainment). Rather, isolate until you see and let go of the reason for it, or move into your real Self. Never let go of – through escape from misery – a good opportunity to grow.
– Lester Levenson

9. Until we become fully free, we put up a false front, a facade, to others for the purpose of winning the acceptance and approval of others. We behave in accordance with what we think the other one wants rather than by expressing our own real feelings.
– Lester Levenson

10. If we don’t like what’s happening to us in the world, all we have to do is change our consciousness – and the world out there changes for us!
– Lester Levenson

Emotional Freedom Quotes

11. In the quiet of letting go, we discover that what we truly seek cannot be found through desire, but through the stillness and acceptance of our inner essence.

12. Desire is a form of longing that keeps us tethered to the illusion of lack; by letting go of this yearning, we realize that everything we seek is already within us.

13. Desire is born from a sense of incompleteness; by letting go, we uncover the inherent wholeness that exists within our being.

14. The moment we let go of our expectations, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities that the universe has in store, allowing life to unfold in perfect harmony.

15. Desires are illusions that bind you to the material world; by letting them go, you discover the boundless freedom of your true self.

16. Desire keeps you chained to a cycle of endless seeking; freedom comes when you recognize that everything you need is already within you.

17. By releasing desires, we free ourselves from the chains of dissatisfaction and step into the realm of infinite possibilities.

18. To achieve emotional freedom, you need to accept that you can’t control everything, and by letting go of what you can’t control, you create space for peace and clarity to take root in your life.

19. Emotional freedom is about permitting yourself to feel everything deeply, while also recognizing that your emotions are just part of your experience, not the whole story of who you are.

20. Emotional freedom comes when you stop seeking external validation and start validating yourself, trusting that your journey, with all its imperfections, is valuable and uniquely yours.

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